
I am available for private experiences. Live presentations. Group coaching.

I would love to hear from you!

Whether you have questions about a program or you’re just looking to connect, I’d love to hear from you.
If you're reaching out about speaking opportunities with youth groups or in-person presentations, please leave as much detailed information as possible.
Looking forward to connecting.


" You send a great message to young woman and I encourage all people to take your advice"you can achieve anything you put your mind to." Simon
"I want to thank you for sharing your journey with us. A passionate story teller and an awesome backpacker. I enjoyed every minute of your videos and pictures. What a trip! " W.L.
"That was a fun presentation last night.  Inspiring.  Picturesque.  Informative.
For someone who’s walked the trail, it was like re-living the experience." J